Ctra. Valencia, 60 bajo. Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca) - España
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Azafrán, propiedades, beneficios y usos | 0 comments | read 2720 times

¡Conoce el azafrán! Una especia que deriva de los 3 estigmas secos del pistilo de la flor conocida como Crocus sativus, una especie que pertenece al género Crocus dentro la familia Iridaceas.

Propiedades de la Sal Rosa del Himalaya | 0 comments | read 28504 times

Los 10 principales beneficios que te brinda la sal rosada del Himalaya.

Cómo no desgraciar un jamón, paso a paso | 0 comments | read 6582 times

Guía para saber cortar bien el jamón de una vez por todas

The rise in the price of Sheep milk 2015/2016 y http://www.agronewscas | 0 comments | read 9885 times

Sheep's milk that is used for the elaboration of the Designation of Origin (DO) "Queso Manchego" ended 2015 with good figures for producers.

Iberian ham and red wine diet. | 0 comments | read 10346 times

Ended starving and hardship to slim.A diet adapted to the contemporary society makes possible to loose weight in a healthy way and enjoy very rich delicacies as iberian  ham or red wine.

Manchego cheese benefits I. | 0 comments | read 7553 times

The cheese in all its varieties is a very complete food because it gives us many nutrients necessary for our body, it makes it a perfect food for all ages.
If we do not suffer from cholesterol, we can consume it without reservation and if you suffer from this silent disease, we should moderate the intake of those varieties called hard and use in our recipes unripened cheese.

Honey types and properties | 0 comments | read 8413 times

Honey ,the sweet antibiotic. Honey is a pleasure for the sweet-thoothed that helps you to keep away from infecctions.

Motilla saffron.

| 0 comments | read 6488 times

Our saffrons in Quesos Guijarro.

Our Saffron awards. | 0 comments | read 5719 times

"The Rosera" Saffron Bealar company SL,in  Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca), was the winner of the "Great Selection 2014" in the category of Saffron from La Mancha, awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture of Castilla La Mancha .

The price of olive oil in origin rises.

EL PAIS | 0 comments | read 4896 times

The price of the olive oil increases 20% because of a short harvest.

The distribution has begun the impact of consumer prices.
April 2023  (2)
March 2023  (2)
February 2023  (2)
January 2023  (2)
December 2022  (2)
November 2022  (2)
October 2022  (2)
September 2022  (2)
August 2022  (2)
July 2022  (2)
June 2022  (2)
May 2022  (1)
Total pages: 3

Ctra. Valencia, 60 bajo. Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca) - España

969 331 987 / 646 475 640

Junta Comunidades Castilla- La Mancha

Project co-financed by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha

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