Ctra. Valencia, 60 bajo. Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca) - España
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Portada > Cheese > Specialties

Home-made cured cheese with rosemary. Small piece. 1.250 KG APPROX

(peso aproximado …)
  • Huevo Huevo
  • Lácteos Lácteos

One of our specialties, highlighting the taste and the medieval tradition of this great cheese with pure sheep's milk.
Colour varies, from a broken white  more gently months, an intense colour with golden hues when its cure is more intense. The first cleaning with olive oil, and later during his healing it is wrapped in lard with brown paper to soften the crust and to absorb all the flavour and aroma that the Rosemary will provide (as Castilian grass and great flavour) will cause delightful taste on the palate.
 Buttery texture (not to be confused with creamy) as expected,   but sometimes a bit grainy depending on the healing gained.
Slightly acidic, strong-cured flavour, depending on the summer pasture, which influences the strength of milk. Residual, pleasant and distinctive taste.
Lactic, acidified, intense and persistent smell, caused by the lard and rosemary.
The curing time is usually 9 to 10 months but which often varies in intensity due to the properties of lard and rosemary during healing.
In many nearby areas it is to recover this way of curing the cheese, but our experience of over 35 years, makes the difference.
We can find it in sizes of approx: Large Piece 3.2 kg, 1kg and ¼ piece large Part.


- Leche de oveja pasteurizada

- Fermentos lácticos

- Cuajo

- Lisozima (derivado el huevo)

- Sales antibutíricas

- Cloruro cálcico

- Sal

- Manteca ibérica

- Romero

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18-12-2017 20:05:19
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Ctra. Valencia, 60 bajo. Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca) - España

969 331 987 / 646 475 640

Junta Comunidades Castilla- La Mancha

Project co-financed by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha

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