Ctra. Valencia, 60 bajo. Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca) - España
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Portada > Cheese > Old cheese

Old cheese “Cueva de Guijarro”(+ 14 MONTHS) BIG PART 1/2

(peso aproximado …)
  • Huevo Huevo
  • Lácteos Lácteos

Made with raw sheep's milk.
Variable colour from ivory beige to dark gray due to natural treatment received during healing bark. Continuous cleaning with olive oil and a thin layer of butter to soften the crust. They are similar to the curing of 12 months.
With more healing time the taste changes, being in this occasion more spicy and strong, being able to break when you cut it; for this reason it is advisable to heat the knife with hot water before cutting it, always bearing in mind that we take the cheese from the refrigerator about 30 minutes at room temperature at least before carving it. This way you can taste the cheese in its fullness.
Sometimes lumpy texture and more loose as they dictate the virtues of raw milk.
Lactic acidified intense and persistent odour that evolves very persistent spicy nuances due to its 14 months or more even healing.

 We can find it in sizes of approx: Large Piece 3.2 kg, and lots of ½


- Leche cruda de oveja

- Fermentos lácticos

- Cuajo

- Lisozima (derivada del huevo)

- Cloruro cálcico

- Sal

Leave Opinion
Benjamin Rovira
08-08-2015 12:29:51
queso excelente
En mi vida he probado un queso viejo tan bueno y tan cuidado, Felicitarles porque de verdad tienen ustedes unos productos excelentes.
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Ctra. Valencia, 60 bajo. Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca) - España

969 331 987 / 646 475 640

Junta Comunidades Castilla- La Mancha

Project co-financed by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha

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