Semi-hard cheese made from raw sheep's milk. Smooth flavour. 4 months of healing.
(peso aproximado …)Our semicured is a cheese with an intense white bone-deep colour,yellow with watermark pleita, all natural bark , this tone is the result of the first foreign hands with olive oil.
Compact texture being clean the cut and not sticking to the knife.
small eyes like partridge eyes, very marked.
Residual tasty flavour, nice lactic acidified intense odour, a delicious cheese for his 4 months of healing.
We can find it in sizes of approx: Small piece 1.2 kg (this size with pasteurized milk); Medium piece 2.3 kg, 3.2 kg Large piece, and portions.
- Leche cruda de oveja
- Fermentos lácticos
- Cuajo
- Lisozima (derivada del huevo)
- Cloruro cálcico
- Sal
- Sales antibutíricas
Ctra. Valencia, 60 bajo. Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca) - España
Project co-financed by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha