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Iberian ham and red wine diet.






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Finally a weight loss diet based on ham and red wine
Ham and wine have beneficial qualities to help to lose weight
With the arrival of April and good weather, also comes the time to start with the familiar "bikini operation " and find the perfect diet to get in shape and to have a good figure for the summer. And diet has always been synonymous of starving and suffering. The first thing was we could forget alcoholic drinks and pork products. Until now.

The specialist Rubén Bravo, an expert naturopath in Nutrition European Medical Institute of Obesity, has developed a solution based on the "good for the palate and good for the heart" Iberian ham and red wine diet, which allows you to lose between 4 and 6 kilos in 4 weeks, depending on the body composition, sex and physical activity of the person but the most important is "they will eat varied and every day going to take wine and ham."

The idea arose because, with the day to day to see patients "you realize that many of them and, above all, in our society that go out to eat or a drink to celebrate anything," people need a diet which does not have "the feeling of being on a diet" and proceeded to develop a diet that "was not strict, that could be done both outside and inside the house, which was full of delicious dishes and, at the same time, let down weight, was balanced and good for health. "

The benefits of red wine and ham

Taken in moderation and within a table of compatible foods, ham and red wine are two products that, beyond its flavour, have many other beneficial qualities for the heart for its cardiovascular effect "prevent disease and promote the factors measuring some better conditions, "stresses Rubén Bravo.

Red wine "can significantly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's or senile dementia" as well as its "ability to delay cellular aging of the organism ', so for thousands of years has been attributed to the effects of elixir long life. A moderate consumption of wine with food produces a "slight decrease in blood pressure and central nervous system" which ends up producing a sense of drowsiness and relaxation, "very indicated in those with insomnia or excessive stress."

Furthermore wine encourages us to eat more slowly because "usually is eaten more than, say, a beer that is drunk faster and savors not much."

Red is better than white wine because "its healthy properties are superior" and that are conferred by using skin in the process of elaboration of red, where the tannins and antioxidants.

According to some studies, 9 out of 10 Spaniards tend to eat ham at home. The moments of common consumption for this product are the appetizer and dinner, as it is often associated with a relaxed environment. A few slices a day of this product are the "perfect source of iron and B vitamins," as necessary for the "proper functioning of the nervous system, the brain and to maintain muscle mass."

According to studies by Professor Joseph E. Campillo of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Extremadura,  eat daily 120 grams of ham  "significantly lowers cholesterol and triglycerides" thanks to its low content of saturated fat, high in acid monounsaturated fatty and a rate lower than that of lean meats like chicken or turkey or some fish such as hake or cod cholesterol.

The ham is the best choice among the Iberians, as it is a food low in unhealthy fats, with a very high vitamin complex and 50% more protein high bioavailability than other fresh meat.

A diet that adapts to current lifestyle

According to the Spanish Federation of Wine and a case study on meat and sausages from the Ministry of Environment, a Spanish consumes an average of 3.2 kilograms of ham and 21 liters of wine per year so prohibit the intake of these foods, so present in the social events, just taking the "rejection of the diet" to leave prematurely or even to a back-and nothing desired- "rebound effect."

Instead, said the specialist, "if a system like it follows and does not bore where the food is varied and is noted for its flavour, texture, appearance, odor 'and, above all, that allows us to" enjoy our social life, it is much more likely that it is carried out successfully. " According to Bravo, the intention was to adapt the diet to "current lifestyle in the city," where you eat out more times, you come with few winning cooking at night at home or eat too fast "so they are small plates at night but varied and with many options. "

Each food is chosen and placed at different times of the day to "correct certain behaviours that we observed in the inhabitants of the cities that generate weight problems, sleep, stress, humor ...".

What does it consist of?

But most importantly what is this diet "delicatessen"? "The rich things do not make you fat" Bravo unveils

What we are trying to prove with this diet is that every day includes red wine and ham, along with a variety of national food prepared mostlyin a traditional way. In addition, differentiation is made between  weekdays menus and weekends because "patients ask us tastiest and most delicious dishes to enjoy the weekend."

The specialist recommends follow that Spanish saying how well adapted to the latest  bionutrition trends "have breakfast like a king,have  lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper." This is because the "metabolism begins to be activated from 5 or 6 am" and from 5-6 pm the body begins to "off" so concentrated foods that "provide more energy -carbohydrates and certain grasasfats- in the first period of the day "and foods that provide less energy but have a" major structural power as the immune system "at night which gives vitality for the day and rest at night.

Breakfast includes bread and ham (up to two slices), fruit (except bananas, mango and melon because they are the ones that have more calories). Coffee should be taken alone or with skimmed milk. Although athletes can add an omelette of one egg and egg whites of two others.

In the food cooked vegetables include variously accompanied by a main dish consisting of fish or poultry or beef or lean pork baked or grilled. Once a week, you can enjoy a stew as cooked or stew but defatted.

At dinner you can not miss a bowl of chicken broth, vegetable or pout and two slices of ham plus a little meat or fish, between 80 and 150 grams and dessert one ounce of pure black chocolate. What better way to end the first week of the diet with a plate of Galician octopus , accompanied by ham and a bowl of vegetable broth?

Should not forget to take a snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon. By midmorning just a piece of fruit and a few nuts while in the afternoon, you can include a decaffeinated coffee (alone or with skimmed milk) or an infusion, nonfat yoghurt and a pair of nuts. However, athletes should perform a more consistent snack on including a yoghurt, a comprehensive biscote with crushed tomatoes and two slices of ham, plus a couple of nuts.

The breakfast is limited to bread and water you can drink without limit. The pattern of consumption of red wine in this low-calories diet rich in fruits, vegetables and healthy proteins - is a glass of 150 ml. in the case of women and 2 glasses in the case of men spread over two meals. While noting that "to be an alcoholic beverage" consumption is "prohibited" if you have to drive or operate heavy machinery "and pregnants or nursing mother and children under 18 years.

Finally Bravo points out that, when choosing a diet or another we have to look at "more factors than weight loss" and "do not exclude any food group," as the Dukan diet with very fast weight is lost -after not so much at first but it  is "unsocial because you can not take many things, it produces headaches, constipation and has a huge rebound effect ... '. In the long term may lose "the same or more and more stably" with a "balanced, social and healthy diet with an unbalanced diet, long term, will worsen our analytical".


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wine, cheese and ham.
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